Worldwide Travel Specialist-Tailormade Itineraries

Traveling has been a big part of my life since I was 17 years old and I boarded my first Caribbean cruise for spring break! Since then, I was hooked on travel and have had the opportunity to travel and live all over this beautiful world! I have had the opportunity to live for 10 years in Asia and for 3 years in West Africa - all the while doing as much exploring as I could! I have also visited more than 20 countries in Europe and Central/South America.

The reason I love travel is that it truly gives you the chance to step outside of yourself and your comfort zone and experience something brand new. It allows you to stretch who you are as a person and possibly see things from another point of view! The more we meet people from all over the world, the more we see how alike we all really are.

I began my career in the travel industry in 2012 while I was living in Hong Kong and worked as a Travel Specialist planning adventure trips to all corners of the globe - China, Iceland, Namibia, Turkey, Peru, and even Antarctica! No trip was too exotic! I knew that while I loved traveling myself, I also loved providing others with the opportunities for their own incredible memories! I decided to open my own franchise when I moved back to the USA in 2015 and that is how Beyond The Seven Seas was born.

I absolutely love my job as a travel specialist and the joy I can bring my clients in making their travel dreams come to life! Thanks for visiting my page and I can't wait to help you plan your next dream vacation!