Travel Advisor, Group Travel Specialist

We love to travel, and want to help you experience the joy we feel while exploring! We have visited most areas of the US, Europe, the Caribbean and Mexico, and have enjoyed many cruises, and amazing tours in Africa and Thailand. Let us help you visualize and realize your Dream Vacation!

Over the years we have been the unofficial travel planners for our friends and family.  Including our travel business, we have organized group trips to Tanzania, Thailand, Costa Rica, Cancun, Greece, Portugal, France, Peru, and dozens of US destinations.  These trips have been River Cruises (our specialty!), Ocean Cruises, Land tours, and All-inclusive getaways.

In 2018 we decided to embark on what we refer to as a two year ‘Nomadic Sabbatical’ doing what we love; exploring this amazing world!  We love the process of dreaming, planning and executing our plans so much that we have decided to weave this passion into our Encore Career.  Our travel experiences that we can offer to others range from planning customized trips (detailed itineraries, transportation and accommodations)  to coordinating amazing experiences offered by tour operators. 

Brad’s thirty-one years in the corporate world, developing and implementing complex and detailed systems, segways perfectly into the detailed world of travel planning.  Karen has circled back to the travel world having begun as a Sales Associate for a travel agency right after college! Over the years she has worked in other fields utilizing her strong organizational, marketing and leadership skills.  

We love adventure in travel and life, and are ready to put our skills to work advising you on your next amazing vacation.  Give us a call or send us an email, so we can help you realize your travel dreams!