I have such a passion for travel. I think it is so important to have a better understanding of our world. We as individuals need to get out of our bubbles, our safe spaces and go experience other countries, other cultures and meet people that may be different than us. I just feel that is important to understanding the world.

My “travel bug” hit when I was 15 and my family went on a vacation to the Bahamas. I had never seen such beautiful beaches and that turquoise water was mesmerizing. That takes me to a quote from the book Heart Bones by Colleen Hoover that I read recently, “ I didn’t realize what seeing the ocean would mean to me, but now that I’ve seen it, I want every human on earth to experience it…’s like years of therapy rolled into a view.” That perfectly sums up how my ‘travel bug” began!
The Bahamian people were so incredibly kind and FUN!! I still remember a boy that I became friends with that worked at the resort. His name was James. I have never seen him since and will never see him again, but that friendship impacted me to the point I still remember him to this day. That made me realize that it is good to cross paths with others, even if for just a fleeting moment, it changes you for the better.

I want to provide those same opportunities for others.
That is the sole purpose for starting my agency Bon Vivant Escapes!