Leisure Travel For Groups and Individuals

As a resident of Chapin, South Carolina, the only thing I like better than where I live is traveling. Although I have an extensive background in sales, I never sold a product I really loved until I entered the travel business. I knew immediately that I was “home." It gives me joy to help other people plan their own adventures. My enthusiasm for travel is contagious and my clients often enjoy the planning process as much as the actual trip. I find that very rewarding!

I am highly organized and always pay attention to details so that nothing gets missed. I also focus on communication, and always stay in touch with clients from the beginning to the end of the process. I am well-traveled myself and consider myself a curious natural explorer. Because I am excited about travel opportunities and the desire to experience new places, I feel I possess a natural ability to pass that enthusiasm on to every client.

Finally, I am truly mindful of every client's budget, and pull out all the stops to make travel plans that offer the best value for the dollar.

The Caribbean is my travel destination of choice! I love to cruise to tropical islands, and I have personally enjoyed more than a dozen Caribbean cruises. There is nothing more relaxing than warm tropical breezes and gorgeous blue water! To date, I have booked more than 45 clients on vacations to unique island destinations or on wonderful cruise itineraries.

I am proud to have received Cruises Inc. Rookie of the Year designation in 2021, and I have earned the Group Travel Certificate as well as the Romance Travel Certificate.

I work very hard to make sure that all my clients' needs are met. Once, on a cruise that I was also booked on, a client's luggage didn't make it to the ship. Rather than allowing it to become a disaster, I loaned her jewelry, makeup, and hair accessories until we reached port. Then, I not only accompanied her for shopping in the port city, but I also helped her with the insurance claim.

What do I do when I'm not traveling or booking amazing travel for my clients? I like to read and work in my garden, but most often you'll find me swimming in my pool or in the lake, or just lazing near the water.

If you’re ready to start planning the vacation you’ve been dreaming about, contact me today!