Memories Making Family Vacation Specialist

Why, hello, there! Are you a new traveler, planning a family trip, need a “just-the-two-of-us” getaway, designing a girls’ trip/bro-cation, or in need of some me time? Well, I’d say you were destined to find me. I’m sure you’re asking yourself, “What does SHE know about any of this?” Well, sit tight, and let me tell you.

When we started to travel, we didn’t utilize the help of a travel specialist. We wasted a lot of time and didn’t know what we didn’t know. We could have avoided unnecessary lessons had we had a specialist like me in our corner. I want to make sure you don’t be like we were!

You might be thinking, “Well, that’s great. But with the kids, a tight budget, and not a lot of time on our hands, I don’t see how we can really take a vacation.”  We are a family of six. And vacations were few and far between. We didn’t see vacations as affordable. Nor was there ample time. I have firsthand experience in the uncertainties of family vacations. Due to the sudden and tragic death of our 12-year-old son, I can’t stress enough the importance of creating memories with your family – especially while they are children. I will assist with strategies to overcome those barriers and help create a plan to encapsulate those moments.

Let’s not forget you newlyweds, delayed honeymooners, or year counters. Another exciting milestone is the opportunity to rediscover just the two of you now that the children are grown. We can meet at the start line or in the middle of the track. Or I can help dust off the plans that have been on the back shelf because life has been lifing.

I know that we enjoy being with our spouse or significant other. But if the need to “Run, Forest! Ruuun!” away surfaces, I’m the person to call for planning that much-needed girl time or brotherhood.

And then there may be times when you need to get away from everything and everybody. I have had the (surprised) pleasure of experiencing solo travel. It was a time of calm reflection and new self-discovery. I did not have to compromise on where to go or what to do. Nor did I have to deal with unfavorable attitudes or behaviors with travel companions. I can curate a personalized voyage tailored to my guests’ specifications.

Let’s talk!