Vacation Specialist

Life is a JOURNEY that takes a lifetime to cultivate is not just some cliche to me but lived real life experiences. As a child, I had DREAMS of becoming a "missionary" without fully understanding what it truly meant. As an adult, I was graced with the opportunity to serve in the US ARMY and experienced cultivated travel experiences in South Korea and all over the USA from New Hampshire to California. Although, I never became a missionary- travel is my passion and in my leisure, I have traveled to Central America and several Caribbean Islands to include; the Bahamas, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Honduras, Belize, Jamacia, Cayman Islands and the ABC Islands of Aruba and Curacao. I have been on a total of four cruises with Royal, Carnival & Celebrity and my first two as a solo traveler. I still have a few "bucket list" travel DREAMS to include Europe, Africa and maybe Alaska, lol..

Well Chosen Vessels, the WORLD is your oyster and I look forward making your travel DREAMS a reality.