Key West, Florida Keys & Caribbean Travel Advisor

Meet Maria North, your go-to travel advisor for the Florida Keys and the Caribbean. Living on a boat in the beautiful waters of Key West, Maria has turned her passion for the sea and travel into a thriving career.

Maria specializes in creating itineraries that showcase the hidden gems of the Florida Keys and the Caribbean. Her unique living situation allows her to have firsthand knowledge and up-to-date information about the best spots, activities, and experiences in these regions.

Maria's love for the ocean goes beyond just living on it. She is an experienced boater and an avid snorkeler. These skills, combined with her extensive knowledge of the local culture, history, and ecology, enable her to provide a unique perspective and enriching travel experiences for her clients.

Whether you're planning a relaxing beach vacation, an adventurous sailing trip, or a deep-sea diving expedition, Maria's expertise and personal touch ensure that your travel plans are tailored to your preferences, giving you a truly unforgettable experience.So, get ready to embark on a journey of a lifetime with Maria North, your personal travel advisor, who not just knows the Florida Keys and the Caribbean like the back of her hand, but also lives the very essence of it every day.